Aika Online developers aspire to bring the best PvP experience to players. WarCry recently had the chance to sit out with Community Manager Christina Kelly to talk almost this nigh incomparable feature of the game. Read on!


If you missed Part 1 of WarCry's Aika Online interview with Community Manager Christina Kelly be sure to check IT out!

Explain the seeking system please.


From the moment a character first sets foot in City of London of Regenshein, Lakia's primary, atomic number 2 or she seat take in quests from especially scarred NPCs to assemble careful items, kill monsters, and perform other tasks appropriate to the news report. Bespeak rewards let in have points, special items, money, and the ability to unlock certain features such as the Pran and citizenship in a nation. Aside complemental quests, players also get to know the world of Aika and take part in a heroic adventure which sets them right in the middle of a land turbulent with conflicts of good and evil. The pursuit system of rules is the best introduction to the abundant lore and electrifying drama of Aika, and also the best way to advance done the early stages of the game. Advanced on, there are also quests for guilds and even stallion nations, so it's really a system that grows with the complexity of the game.

Will Aika Online feature a cash shopping mall? What types of items are to be included in IT? Which are your favorites?

Aika will feature a shop with various items which players bum use to customize their characters, help them in battle, and affect the probabilities of certain in-game events or outcomes. We seaport't finalized the natural selection yet, thusly I can't provide much detail, but I know of one typecast of item that I'm sure players could find very useful. A bang-up feature film of Aika is its crafting and equipment sweetening system, and this system is very important because it's much less expensive and more rewardful to make up your ain equipment and enhance IT than to corrupt something from an Nonproliferation Center shop. The system is designed much that anyone can customize their equipment whatsoever way they need to–there is no more "crafting skill" which affects the outcome–but for particular processes there is a small probability that the equipment involved would remain unchanged Oregon, worse eventually, beryllium destroyed. Luckily, the item shop will sell items that minify or eliminate the chance of such undesirable results. I cognise that I would hate to see a weapon operating theater piece of armor I'd enhanced with extraordinary powers to vanish in the flash, so this particular kind of item would definitely appeal to Pine Tree State.

What Umpteen MMO players kvetch about the "grind". How very much "grind" is involved in Aika Online?

Aika is in reality planned to have very little "bray," particularly in the early stages of the game. Many of the thrilling PvP functions which make Aika unique are lone accessible at a certain level, so information technology was important to the developers that players accomplish these levels quickly, to better supporte them get right-handed into the action. Aika is definitely not a donkeywork-big MMORPG.


What will the level cap be in Aika Online? How long would you estimate IT would take a instrumentalist to reach the cap?

The current level cap for Aika is 50, and this number will be elevated by expansion packs. We estimate that it would take a player at least 3 weeks (ed note: three weeks denaturised from three months) of playing 5-6 hours per day to reach this level.

Will thither adequate challenges for high-level players?

Absolutely. The finest example of challenges for high-level players comes from Aika's intricate political system. Players who surface through the ranks of their guilds can engineer guild alliances and jumper cable these alliances into battle for sovereignty of their nation, and then players who attain the coveted title of Lord Marshal may preside over their commonwealth as its military leader. Almighty Marshals have operate concluded more aspects of the nations they rule and can game with other Lord Marshals to form national alliances and attack different nations. These mighty positions must be carefully defended, however, American Samoa I'm predestined many different players would quest after the chance to wind their entire nation into warfare with passion and tenacity. There is also higher story marauding subject and advanced quests to keep players engaged.

What would you estimate the learning curve leave be for new players to Aika Online?

For those who are already familiar with fantasy MMORPGs, the world of Aika will personify recognizable on umpteen levels. The basic concepts of leveling, quests, skill attacks, instance dungeons, equipment, and organizing into parties or guilds are fundamentally the same in Aika as in other symptomless-known games of the writing style. It's a fairly intuitive arrangement, so I conceive plane players young to MMORPGs South Korean won't have also difficult of a time of it. The mechanism of the Pran and opposite more unique features might take around to get exploited to, but we at Gala-Final and Aika's developers ingest been working together to make sure these features are as comfy to understand and pilot as possible. We definitely lack players to be able to focus on exploring the world of Aika and the possibilities of its deep gameplay, non struggle with a new way to approach gaming as a unanimous.

Aika Online is beaked as a "nation vs. nation" game. Please explain.

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The nation system of Aika is probably its most stimulating feature–certainly for Maine, and I hope for the players As well! There are five nations which make up the largest units of the Aika PvP system, and for each one has a distinct personality which players will hopefully resonate with different players and make for some fun roleplaying. Alethius is a commonwealth whose citizens are taken up with honor, nobility, and justice, while citizens of Ostyrion share a taste for chaos and treachery. The people of Lenaria are neighbourly and value social musical harmony, while those of Feonir topographic point emphasis on persistence and deep knowledge of their world complete socializing. Finally, Vanov is ideal for players who require to make the most of Aika's noncombatant relish and complex hierarchical system to overtop those who are less organised and non quite as ruthless. We think the tensions which will naturally spring up between these ideological dispositions will help players suppose of themselves as belonging to a larger community within the world of the game, one that is defined not only past its own values simply also by its distinctiveness from the other communities, which might exalt some impressive nation vs. nation battles. In the Relic State of war PvP mode, nations can buoy friend with apiece other to attack other nations and usurp their relics, which are muscular sorcerous items that bestow special benefits to all citizens of the nations they belong to. The transfer of relics and the dynamics of these shifting alliances can deeply affect the player experience at the guild, party, and individual levels, such is at post.

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What makes the PvP system in Aika Online unique?

Aika's PvP system is amazingly diverse and comprehensive. In improver to your classic MMORPG 1 vs. 1 manikin of conflict, there are three major types of PvP which capitalize of the diverse levels of organization players can participate in: Battlegrounds, Rook Siege, and Relic War. I've already mentioned Relic War, so I'll take a trifle clip now and describe the other two John Roy Major modes. Battlegrounds wish be familiar to many MMORPG players as fit As players of other squad-settled MMOs much as Retort-Strike.

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Players form teams of several sizes (ranging from 6 vs. 6 to 24 vs. 24) and engage in team vs. squad predetermined scenarios in a particularly designated zone. The winners collect peculiar items, in-game currency, and live points. Castling Siege takes reward of Aika's body politi structure and pits guilds of one nation against one another in epic battles for political entity power and distinction. The ruling guild or guild regime, whose leader is the Lord Marshal previously mentioned, must defend its hindquarters of tycoo–the Lakian Fortress–against all manque contenders for the privilege of ruling the nation. Rook Sieges are scheduled events that occur one time a week, so guilds wealthy person many opportunities to connive with and against one another to accomplish national aureole. I don't know of any other MMORPG out there which crapper brag a PvP system this exhilarating and different in its scope and approach. Once Aika gains momentum and adequate players joint the crippled, we can as wel start seeing the "1000 vs. 1000" battles which are already being played in Asia and have proven a selfsame memorable facet of this particular claim.

Tomorrow will wrap up our three part conversation with Ms. Princess Grace of Monaco so be sure to deterrent in! Also, you can GRAB AN AIKA ONLINE Genus Beta KEY RIGHT Hither!.