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Treyarch Sound Call of Duty Black Ops Zombie

Outbreak Zombies is, arguably, the most fun co-op zombies experience to date. Those who've grown tired of Call of Duty: Warzone or Die Machine and Firebase Z will enjoy Black Ops Cold War's latest zombie expedition. However, they may want to hold off on investing hours into Outbreak Zombies because of a game-breaking audio glitch causing players to lose all in-game audio.

Warzone players are akin to such glitches as the invisibility glitch and the stim glitch. However, these exploits will only cost honest players twenty minutes of their time. The Outbreak Zombies audio glitch can take hours of work and flush it straight down the drain. There's no worse feeling than being triple-packed by round four only to have all the in-game audio cut and no way to bring it back. Let's talk about what the Outbreak Zombies audio glitch is, what causes it, and if there's any way to fix it.

COD Outbreak Zombies: What is the Audio Glitch?

The Outbreak Zombies audio glitch cuts all in-game audio in Black Ops Cold War, and it doesn't just affect Outbreak mode. Once players quit in frustration, all of Black Ops Cold War will be stripped of sound. Zombie mode, in general, relies heavily on audio cues to alter players of incoming Megatons and Krasney Soldats. It also helps to hear approaching undead footsteps. Furthermore, the audio adds half the fun to the game. The non-competitive nature of Outbreak Zombies makes it a fun time with friends. The audio glitch completely ruins the game.

The worst part is the fact that the glitch might only happen to a few members of the team. It makes for a really awkward conversation between friends when two players want to carry on while the other two don't have any audio. It makes dedicated Outbreak players hesitant to even play the game knowing the possibility of losing their audio is present.

What Causes the Outbreak Zombies Audio Glitch?

After suffering from the glitch enough times, it's evident that the cause is tied to the new Secure objective. Secure has players defending two nodes, A and B, that operate similar to the Dragon Machine side-challenge in Outbreak Zombies. Players must kill zombies in the circle to charge the nodes while simultaneously defending them from damage.

However, it seems like any player standing by the first node to 'fill up' will suffer from the audio glitch. Players report not losing any sound if they were far enough away (at the other node) when the glitch occurred. In some cases, entire teams have lost their audio. In other cases, only two players defending the first node lost their audio. The only thing they might hear is a low humming sound. They can still hear their voice chat, however, some players have reported in-game voice chat to be affected.

Unfortunately, it seems like a dice roll as to if the glitch occurs or not. It can happen the first time the squad gets a Secure challenge, or it can happen a subsequent time. Either way, it's a gamble as to whether players will lose their audio or not. Those looking to reach high rounds are afraid of sinking hours into Outbreak Zombies only to have their audio cut out.

While the glitch still exists, perhaps players should stay far away from the first Secure objective node when it's about to fill up. It seems like players on the other node are unaffected, so maybe that's the ideal distance? When the first node is almost full, throw a monkey bomb and high-tail it out of the glitch range. However, that's only if the glitch has a 'physical radius.' It may be triggered by audio prompts when the node is secured. This strategy is still being tested; however, it shouldn't even be a conversation. Treyarch needs to fix this glitch ASAP or pull the Secure objective entirely until they can figure out what's causing it.

How to fix the Audio Glitch in Outbreak Zombies

Unfortunately, the only way to get audio back in Black Ops Cold War is to restart the application. Obviously, this means quitting out of Outbreak and losing any progress made. If this glitch happened in regular multiplayer, it wouldn't be such an issue. But the nature of Outbreak's long games makes it incredibly disappointing and disheartening.

Warping to the next round doesn't fix the problem, neither does changing where players' audio is coming through (Speakers or Headset) Dieing and respawning doesn't help either. April 7th's patch notes mentioned, 'Addressed stability issue related to the Secure Objective,' but the glitch still exists.

Outbreak Zombies is a ton of fun. Players are enjoying the pure co-op PvE nature of the game but are reluctant to keep playing if this glitch isn't fixed. It's demoralizing to lose hours of gameplay over. Players shouldn't be forced to play without sound and no rational way of fixing it. Hopefully, developers are aware of the problem and are working on a fix.

Next: Call of Duty Zombies Glitch Pulls Players into the Escort Rover

Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War is available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PC, and Last-Gen

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About The Author

Mike Colucci (218 Articles Published)

Michael Colucci is a life long video game fan based out of the greater Boston area. He's the one insistent on searching every last corner of the map for hidden items and easter eggs. A life long career in the service industry has sharpened his tongue as well. A handful of accolades for his work as a screenwriter backs his credibility when evaluating plots, characters and dialogue.

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Treyarch Sound Call of Duty Black Ops Zombie
