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Diet Drinks Get You Drunk Faster

Science guru Dr Karl Kruszelnick has once again blessed us with another helpful knowledge bomb after revealing that drinking alcohol with diet soft drink makes you drunker.

Australia's favourite brainiac dished out the interesting piece of information on his TikTok channel, which you absolutely should be following if you aren't already.

"It turns out that a standard rum and diet coke has the same amount of alcohol as a standard rum and regular coke, but it has half the calories," he explained in the video.

He adds that when you chuck that delicious rumbo down your gob, it will go down to the stomach before heading to the smaller intestine. It's here where the liquid gold will get absorbed.

"Your stomach expels the liquid at a fixed rate of around two-to-three calories a minute," he said.

"So a rum and diet coke will get out of your stomach, into the next section, where it gets absorbed faster, and the blood alcohol level will go up higher and it will do it sooner than a rum and regular coke."

Essentially, the lack of sugar means your body isn't spending time breaking it down and can instead focus more on dealing with the alcohol, aka, the fun stuff.

Not only is Dr Karl giving us facts that are directly applicable to our lives, if you hadn't noticed, he's doing it all in front of a photograph of himself doing a shoey - something that didn't go unnoticed by his followers.

Credit: TikTok
Credit: TikTok

One user commented: "Mate is that you doing a shoey in the background???"

Another added: "Only in Australia do you get a scientist dropping knowledge in front of a pic of him doing a shoey."

But that isn't the only words of wisdom you'll find on Dr Karl's TikTok. The science guru and his loud shirts tackle everything from black holes to alkaline diets, and one sassy video even sees him takes aim at flat-earthers.

The human encyclopedia has for many years been a great source of information when it comes to hot button topics and debunking conspiracy theories - including the one that touts 5g as being dangerous to our health.

Dr Karl says we have nothing to be worried about because the science just doesn't stack up.

Whether you think it's a military weapon or something that's going to drive up cancer rates, Dr Karl says: "X-rays and gamma rays have higher frequencies and carry even more energy, so if they come in contact with our cells they can also cause cancer.

"But the energy from visible light, AM and FM radio, TV, microwaves, mobile phones and power lines is just too low to damage atoms."

He says while there were two studies that tried to link electromagnetic radiation to increased cancer rates in rats, the explanation of the information wasn't really conclusive.

"In both cases they delivered the radiation at a very high level (much greater than a phone would emit), right across the rodents' bodies for nine hours a day, seven days a week for two continuous years," Dr Karl wrote.

"One study found the male rats that were exposed to the radiation actually lived longer than the non-exposed rats, but the male rats did have more cancers of the heart and brain. The female rats showed no clear difference."

Diet Drinks Get You Drunk Faster
