What Islamic School Teachers Want: Towards Developing an Islamic Teacher Education Programme
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- Islamic Pedagogy
Dr. Nadeem Memon is a Senior Research Fellow in the Centre for Islamic Thought and Education (CITE) in the School of Education at UniSA. His research focuses on teacher education with particular emphasis on Islamic Pedagogy, comparative faith-based schooling, philosophy of religious education, and culturally relevant and responsive teaching. He is the co-editor of two books: Philosophies of Islamic Education: Historical Perspectives and Emerging Discourses (Routledge, 2016) and Discipline, Devotion, and Dissent: Jewish, Catholic, and Islamic Schooling in Canada (Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2013).
Prior to joining UniSA, Nadeem was the Director of Education at Razi Education, a Canadian education-consulting firm that develops... Read more

UniSA Education Futures
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Dr. Nadeem Memon is a Senior Research Fellow in the Centre for Islamic Thought and Education (CITE) in the School of Education at UniSA. His research focuses on teacher education with particular emphasis on Islamic Pedagogy, comparative faith-based schooling, philosophy of religious education, and culturally relevant and responsive teaching. He is the co-editor of two books: Philosophies of Islamic Education: Historical Perspectives and Emerging Discourses (Routledge, 2016) and Discipline, Devotion, and Dissent: Jewish, Catholic, and Islamic Schooling in Canada (Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2013).
Prior to joining UniSA, Nadeem was the Director of Education at Razi Education, a Canadian education-consulting firm that develops professional development for educators working in Western schooling contexts with significant Muslim student populations and for educators in Muslim-majority contexts. At Razi Education, Nadeem spearheaded the design and implementation of a ground breaking online teacher certificate program, the Islamic Teacher Education Program (ITEP), in collaboration with the University of Toronto.
In addition to the above, he has also held faculty teaching positions at Centennial College (Canada), Al Akhawayn University (Morocco), University of Toronto (Canada) and Wilfrid Laurier University (Canada).
Nadeem holds a PhD in Theory and Policy Studies in Education from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) at the University of Toronto. His doctoral dissertation focused on the history and philosophy of Islamic schooling in North America. He also holds a M.A. in Education with a research focus on experiential education and a B.Ed of Education with specializations in teaching high school English and History from York University, in Toronto, Canada.
Doctor of Philosophy University of Toronto
Excludes commercial-in-confidence projects.
Research since 2008 is shown below. To see earlier years visit ORCID, ResearcherID or Scopus
Open access indicates that an output is open access.
Year | Output |
2021 | Memon, NA, Alhashmi, M & Abdalla, M 2021, Curriculum renewal for Islamic education: critical perspectives on teaching Islam in primary and secondary schools, Taylor and Francis, US. |
2019 | Memon, NA 2019, A history of Islamic schooling in North America: mapping growth and evolution, Routledge, US. 4 |
2019 | Memon, NA 2019, A history of Islamic schooling in North America: mapping growth and evolution, Routledge, US. 4 1 |
2016 | Memon, NA & Zaman, M 2016, Philosophies of Islamic education: historical perspectives and emerging discourses, Routledge, US. 8 |
2013 | McDonough, GP, Memon, NA & Mintz, A I 2013, Discipline devotion and dissent: Jewish, Catholic, and Islamic schooling in Canada, Wilfrid Laurier University Press, Canada. 2 |
Year | Output |
2021 | Memon, N, Price, D, Green, D & Chown, D 2021, 'Stimulating high intellectual challenge through culturally responsive pedagogy: United Arab Emirates educator perspectives', in NBakali & NA Memon (eds.), Teacher Training and Education in the GCC: Unpacking the Complexities and Challenges of Internationalizing Educational Contexts, Lexington Books, UK, ch. 11, pp. 179-195. |
2021 | Memon, NA & Abdalla, M 2021, 'Introduction', in NA Memon, M Alhashmi & M Abdalla (eds), Curriculum Renewal for Islamic Education: Critical Perspectives on Teaching Islam in Primary and Secondary Schools, Taylor and Francis, US, ch. 1, pp. 1-14. |
2021 | Memon, NA 2021, 'Islamic pedagogy for Islamic schools', Oxford Research Encyclopedias, Oxford University Press, UK, pp. 1-14. |
2018 | Memon, N 2018, 'Islamic education in the United States', in H Daun & R Arjmand (eds), Handbook of Islamic Education. International Handbooks of Religion and Education, Springer, Switzerland, ch. 51, pp. 915-928. |
2018 | Memon, NA & Alhashmi, M 2018, 'Islamic pedagogy: Potential and perspective', in M Abdallas, D Chown and M Abdullah (eds), Islamic schooling in the West: pathways to renewal, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. Switzerland, ch. 9, pp. 169-194. 9 1 |
2016 | Memon, NA 2016, 'Diverse communities, divergent aspirations? Islamic schooling in the West', in M Zaman & NA Memon (eds), Philosophies of Islamic education: historical perspectives and emerging discourses, Routledge, UK, ch. 9, pp. 145-158. 3 |
2012 | Memon, N 2012, 'From mosques to madrassas: civic engagement and the pedagogy of Islamic schools', in J Zine (ed.), Islam in the hinterlands: Muslim cultural politics in Canada, UBC Press, Canada, ch. 7, pp. 185-207. |
2012 | Memon, NA 2012, 'Between immigrating and integrating: the challenge of defining an Islamic pedagogy in Canadian Islamic schools', in GP McDonough, NA Memon, AI Mintz (eds), Discipline, devotion, and dissent: Jewish, Catholic, and Islamic schooling in Canada, Wilfrid Laurier University Press, Canada, ch. 3, pp. 73-97. 4 |
2008 | Leithwood, K, Mascall, B, Strauss, T, Sacks, R, Memon, N & Yashkina, A 2008, 'Distributing leadership to make schools smarter: taking the ego out of the system', in K Leithwood, B Mascall & T Strauss (eds), Distributed leadership according to the evidence, Routledge, UK, ch. 10, pp. 223-252. 12 |
Journal Articles
Year | Output |
2020 | Abdalla, M, Chown, D & Memon, N 2020, 'Islamic studies in Australian Islamic schools: learner voice', Religions, vol. 11, no. 8, article no. 404, pp. 1-15. Open access 3 1 1 |
2020 | Memon, AN, Chown, D & Alkouatli, C 2020, 'Descriptions and enactments of Islamic pedagogy: reflections of alumni from an Islamic Teacher Education Programme', Pedagogy Culture and Society, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 631-649. 1 1 |
2020 | Niyozov, S & Memon, N 2020, 'Introduction to special issue: Contemporary critical perspectives on islamic education', Religions, vol. 11, no. 12, article no. 672, pp. 1-3. Open access |
2020 | Price, D, Green, D, Memon, N & Chown, D 2020, 'Richness of complexity within diversity: educational engagement and achievement of diverse learners through culturally responsive pedagogies', The Social Educator, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 42-53. |
2011 | Memon, N 2011, 'What Islamic school teachers want: towards developing an Islamic teacher education programme', British Journal of Religious Education, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 285-298. 23 18 |
2011 | Niyozov, S & Memon, N 2011, 'Islamic education and Islamization: evolution of themes, continuities and new directions', Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 5-30. 32 1 |
2010 | Memon, N 2010, 'Social consciousness in Canadian Islamic schools?', Journal of International Migration and Integration, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 109-117. 6 |
Other outputs
Memon, Nadeem, and Zaman, Mujadad (Eds.) (2016) Philosophies of Islamic Education: Historical Perspectives and Emerging Discourses. Routledge: New York.
McDonough, Graham; Memon, Nadeem, and Mintz, Avi (Eds.) (2013) Discipline, Devotion, and Dissent: The Problems and Promises of Jewish, Catholic and Islamic Schooling in Canada. Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
Niyozov, Sarfaroz and Memon, Nadeem (2012) "Mapping Islamic Education: Evolution of Themes, Continuities, and New Directions" in Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs.
Memon, Nadeem, (2011) "What Islamic School Teachers Want: Toward an Islamic Teacher Education Program" in British Journal of Religious Education. (Impact Factor in 2011 was 0.475)
Memon, Nadeem (2010) "Social Consciousness in Canadian Islamic Schools?" in Journal of International Migration and Integration, 11, no.1 (Winter 2010): 110-117.
Leithwood, Kenneth, Mascall, Blair, Strauss, Tiiu, Sacks, Robin, Memon, Nadeem, Yashkina, Anna (2007). "Distributing Leadership to Make Schools Smarter: Taking the Ego out of the System." Leadership and Policy in Schools, 6:1.
Memon, Nadeem (Forthcoming) "Islamic Pedagogy: Potential and Perspective" in Mohamad Abdalla (ed) Islamic Schooling in the West: Pathways to Renewal. Palgrave McMillan.
Memon, Nadeem, McIntosh, Kurt, and Wane, Njoki (2014) "Expressions of Indigenous Identities in Schools" in Inquiry Into Practice: Learning and Teaching Global Matters in Local Classrooms Edited by David Montemuroo, Mira Gambhir, Mark Evans, and Kathryn Broad, pp. 97-101, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Toronto: Canada.
Memon, Nadeem (2013) "Between Immigrating and Integrating: The Challenge of Defining an Islamic Pedagogy in Canadian Islamic Schools" in Graham McDonough, Nadeem Memon, and Avi Mintz (eds.) Discipline, Devotion, and Dissent: Jewish, Catholic, and Islamic Schooling in Canada. Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
Memon, Nadeem (2012) "From Mosques to Madrassas: Muslim communities in Canada in search for preservation and renewal" in Jasmin Zine (ed.) Islam in the Hinterlands: A Canadian Muslim Studies Anthology. University of British Columbia Press.
Memon, Nadeem and Eidoo, Sameena (2009) "Conference Report on the 5th AMSS Regional Canadian Conference on Nation, Citizenship, and Belonging" in American Journal of Islamic Social Scientist.
Niyozov, Sarfaroz and Memon, Nadeem (2006)"Exploring the Educational Aspirations of Muslims in Ontario's Schools: An Education Roundtable" Comparative and International Education Society Newsletter Number 142.
What Islamic School Teachers Want: Towards Developing an Islamic Teacher Education Programme
Source: https://people.unisa.edu.au/Nadeem.Memon