A reminder that this article from our magazine Visions was published more than 1 yr ago. It is here for reference but. Some data in it may no longer exist current. Information technology also represents the signal of the view of the author only. Come across the author box at the bottom of the commodity for more virtually the contributor.

Why People Utilize Cannabis

Reprinted from the "Cannabis" consequence of Visions Periodical, 2009, v (4), p. nine

On stigma

"Lots of people know me, know I do pot, and they think that I'm a pothead. But really, the thing they don't realize is that I have a reason for it." 1

Cannabis users are often portrayed equally unmotivated, lazy "stoners." But research into why people apply cannabis paints a different moving-picture show. It shows that most people use cannabis as a rational choice to enhance their quality of life.ane-2

Cannabis affects people in different means. It depends on the person, the situation, the type and quality of cannabis, and the method of use. Research shows most people who utilize cannabis utilise information technology moderately. Since cannabis has a low adventure for physical addiction,iii-5 most people are not compelled to continue to utilise it. Instead, people employ cannabis when they perceive its effects are beneficial. People all over the world have used cannabis for thousands of years—for social, medical and spiritual reasons. Sometimes these reasons are singled-out, but often they overlap.

On social utilise

"Just near whatever activity is enhanced while under the influence of cannabis. I similar hiking, cycling and dancing when I'm stoned or high and... I enjoy art, music, philosophy and meditation while intoxicated. Going to a museum is one of my favourite activities under [the] influence." 1

"In my humble opinion, weed is non a drug; information technology'south a seasoning... like common salt for your life. And so, just the same as a person would use common salt to heighten a banal soup or what have y'all, smoking weed can make things more intense and enjoyable..." ane

Social Use

The social employ of cannabis includes its use for recreation, socializing and by and large improving quality of life. Nigh people who utilise cannabis today do and so for these reasons.

Historical records also point to the social uses of cannabis. Ancient Hindus in India were confronting the utilize of alcohol, but accepted social cannabis use. In ancient Rome, wealthy people finished banquets with a cannabis-seed dessert that was known for the adept feeling it caused. At aboriginal Indian weddings, cannabis (bhang) was served for adept luck and as a sign of hospitality.vi

Today, people often employ cannabis for specific activities and occasions. When used properly, it helps some to relax and concentrate, making many activities more than enjoyable. Eating, listening to music, socializing, watching movies, playing sports, having sex and existence creative are some things people say cannabis helps them to bask more. Sometimes people also apply it to make mundane tasks like chores more fun.one

Cannabis, used socially, ofttimes becomes part of a person's daily routine without negative health, social, legal or economic consequences.seven Almost people use information technology responsibly to amend the quality of their lives, similar to the style others use alcohol or coffee.ane

The Globe Wellness Organization Constitution defines wellness as "a country of complete physical, mental and social well-existence, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."13 Therefore, the social uses of cannabis sometimes coincide with, or complement, its medical uses.

On medical use

"Those persons in our lives that we met that call back information technology's all most getting high often misunderstand that that loftier oft relieves usa of the tears, of injure, of stress, of living with a terminal illness and a lot of other things in our daily lives."16 "It relieves the nausea from the meds and allows me to have an ambition and to stick to the regimen of taking pills. And certain strains work improve for the pain." 16

Medical Use

Like people who use cannabis for social reasons, people who use cannabis for medical reasons also use it to improve their quality of life. Medical use is linked to managing physical and mental problems and to preserving health.

Cannabis has been used medically for thousands of years. In 2700 BCE, Shen Neng, Chinese Emperor and father of Chinese medicine, used cannabis as a remedy. The Ebers Papyrus, an ancient Egyptian medical text, as well mentions cannabis. Information technology was written in 1500 BCE and is 1 of the oldest pharmaceutical works known.6,viii

In Canada, cannabis was used equally a medicine until it was added to a list of controlled substances in 1923.9 In 2000, patients won the right to again utilise cannabis legally as a medicine. The court ruled that people should not have to choose between their liberty and their wellness because both are protected in the constitution. In July 2001, in response to the courtroom'south conclusion, Health Canada introduced the Marihuana Medical Admission Regulations (MMAR).x Under the MMAR program, people can apply for a licence to legally possess and grow cannabis for medical use.

Currently, at that place are many barriers to the Health Canada program. For example, some physicians don't want to participate. Likewise, the options for a legal supply of cannabis are limited. As a result, only near 3,000 people accept licences at this fourth dimension. Nevertheless, most 4% of Canadians (i.ii 1000000 people) use cannabis medicinally.xi In BC, near 200,000 people study using cannabis as medicine.12

Cannabis is used to treat many medical conditions and symptoms. Information technology is effective in treating nausea, loss of appetite, hurting, anxiety, insomnia, inflammation and muscle spasms. These symptoms are ofttimes function of concrete or mental conditions. Arthritis, cancer, HIV/AIDS, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, Parkinson'south disease, ADHD and postal service-traumatic stress disorder are some weather condition cannabis can help treat.

Sometimes cannabis is more effective than pharmaceutical drugs and has fewer negative side furnishings. Some people use cannabis to assist them cope with the side effects of, or to replace, these medications. Others employ cannabis to deal with withdrawal symptoms from other legal or illegal drugs.

On spiritual employ

"Marijuana actually, what information technology does to me beyond all other social aspects of it, it actually really combines me with nature. A lot of my religious experiences take really come up through marijuana. Information technology is merely that connectedness, an awareness of yourself, I think, and that yous are part of nature..." 1

"When y'all ingest plants that have psychoactive furnishings, information technology'southward sort of like the consciousness of the plant expresses itself vicariously through your torso and your mind... I similar to use it for learning and to gain knowledge on how to treat people and how to alive..." xiv

Spiritual Use

Spiritual well-existence is widely accepted every bit an important role of overall health. Spiritual utilise of cannabis relates to seeking a sense of meaning, enlightenment and connection.

Cannabis has a rich history of spiritual use. It is listed as one of the five holy plants in the Atharvaveda, a sacred Indian text from the second millennium BCE. The Scythians, who lived in what is now Eastern Europe, used cannabis at funerals to pay respect to departed leaders. Ancient Chinese texts say that cannabis can lighten a person'due south body and allow them to communicate with spirits. The Persian prophet Zoroaster (7 BCE) relied on the intoxicating effects of bhanga, a cannabis beverage, to bridge heaven and globe. Some researchers believe that kannabosm, a plant mentioned in the Old Testament as an ingredient in the sacred anointing oil, was an ancient name for cannabis.half dozen

Today, some people employ cannabis in their spiritual practise. Rastafarians and some Hindus and Sikhs utilize cannabis in religious ceremonies. Other people apply it in means they consider spiritual, such as for reflection, contemplation or personal growth. The relaxing effects of cannabis help some people proceeds a dissimilar perspective when trying to sympathize difficult life situations.1 Some believe that cannabis, as a plant, has something to teach them.14

Cannabis is used by some to increase an appreciation for and connection with nature.one,14 People also use cannabis to bail with each other. These feelings of connection contribute to an overall sense of "oneness."i


Despite the criminal laws in Canada surrounding cannabis, almost 50% of Canadians have tried cannabis at some signal in their lives. About 14% of Canadians are electric current users.eleven People who don't employ cannabis may not understand why others do utilise it. The same is true for those who have tried it and didn't run into any do good. However, with a better understanding of the reasons people use cannabis, we can wait past the stigma and assumptions. From here, it will be easier to notice ways to enhance the benefits and reduce potential harms to individual cannabis users and the wider population.

Almost the author

Rielle worked eight years as a Policy Analyst and Research Coordinator with the BC Compassion Club Society. She was a Research Associate at the Center for Addictions Research of BC (CARBC) and is currently an Associate Researcher at the Centre for Applied Research in Mental Wellness and Addiction at SFU